Spring is lazily approaching after a LONG winter. I was ready for winter to be over around November 1st. That makes for a LOT of chilly nights in anticipation. Despite (or maybe because of) having lived in Indiana my whole life, most of my hobbies involve warm weather in some shape or form. I love to golf, walk or run outside and of course, I salivate at the thought of riding around the country on my motorcycle.
This year we've planned to attend a few motorcycle rallies. I've never taken my cats with me on any of my trips, (that would just be weird I think) but I would really like to take Sasha (the dog) with us this year. Once I know for sure that she'll always come back to me when I call her and doesn't feel the urge to bark at every leaf, squirrel and pedestrian to cross her path, I think she would have a great time and be a great travelling companion. I know I've seen several other rally attendees with their little dogs, but I decided to do a little web-browsing to if there might be any way to take along my big(ger) dog. Hold onto your butts, ladies and gentlemen. Before you know it, you'll be laughing them off at all the great motorcycle gear I found for my precious pooch! Apparently I am not the first one to want to take man's best friend on a motorcycle adventure!
Does your dog think safety is number 1 and wouldn't ride anywhere without a helmet? No problem! The good people at Zoomer Gear can fix your dog up! They claim that the helmets can even accomodate dogs with non-floppy ears, but that I would like to see!
If you're safety conscious, you don't want to forget about those adorable puppy eyes. Aerostitch makes the perfect doggles (yes, that's right! doggy goggles!).
Beast Riders Limited makes plush, fuzzy carriers that fit on the pillion (passenger) seat so that your dog can ride behind you and feel the wind in his fur. You know how dogs love to do that!
...But hands down, by far, my favorite doggy motorcycling accessory HAS to be this pink "Born to Ride" motorcycle jacket. Yes! That's right! It's PINK! I'm certain to make a name for myself among the biker crowds I frequent and I'd bet all the money in the world that Sasha may never forgive me, but I think she just HAS to have it! She's just adorable already and would be traffic-stopping outfitted in this lovely jacket. Besides, we'd match! Ha Ha Ha Ha