Monday, August 30, 2010

I'm an aunt!

I'm so sorry for the delay, but on Sunday August 22nd, I became an aunt!  Miss Madison was born 31 days early and was definitely very baby "rubbery" to begin with, but she was released after just 48 hours as a very strong little girl.

My brother already tells me that she's growing too fast and she's only 9 days old!

She is precious and beautiful and I can't wait to go up and see her soon!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

At the hospital waiting for life to change.

So, I asked you all to hang in with me and I apologized for leaving you for so long.  Thanks to all of you who did and hopefully the story will be worth the wait.  For now,  I simply tell you that I am at the hospital waiting for our lives to change (for the better).  Hopefully in just a few hours, I will be welcoming my first niece into my open arms.  It's a long story (one I still promise to tell), but this will be the first grandchild for my parents (they are THRILLED beyond belief).

Mandi, my sister-in-law, is being a trooper and doing an amazing job.  I'm blessed to have been invited into the delivery room (who knew that was a possibility?!?) to witness the birth and take pictures.  Since it's probably the closest I'll get to witnessing a birth up close and personal, I'm so excited.  It's emotional and amazing and I can't wait to welcome her!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Don't give up on me!

For those of you still out there wondering where I am, I know I haven't posted in over a month (EGAD!).

But there's been a ....LOT!......going on in my life.

I promise to get you all caught up in the next few days.

Until then, just him a little "Journey" to yourself and think good things of me:


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