As of February 20th, 2008 (490 days into my 101 in 1001 challenge), I have completed only 23 items on my list. YIKES! That means, it has taken me an average of 21 days to complete each item. At this rate, I will complete only 47 things by my deadline of July 15, 2009. That's under 50%! Now, I was a very good student in school and I KNOW that 50% is not a passing grade, so I think it's time to start buckling down! If you fail to plan then you plan to fail, right? Well, I say it's time for a plan!
Items I plan to accomplish in the next 6 month (by the end of August 2008):
19. Be in bed by 10 PM every night for a week - This one doesn't seem that hard, right? Too bad I'm a night owl!
20. Be up by 6 AM every morning for a week - See #19. UGH.
24. Drink no soda for 6 months - Already in progress.
28. Memorize the US Presidents - It's an ongoing question. There have been 43 of them, you know!
30. Bowl a 500 series - I am determined to get this one! When I started the year in August, my average was only a 128 (384 series). I have gotten close to getting the 500 more times that I care to remember. So close that my average is now a 141. That's a lot of 470 series. I am confident I can do it!
40. See an IMAX movie - This is only 1 mile from Troy's house so that should be easy, right?
41. Visit Indianapolis Museum of Art - Sadly, we missed the Roman art on loan from the Louvre. Darn it!
57. Plant a flower garden - I plan to help Dennis with this down at the farm in the spring.
58. Plant a vegetable garden - see #57.
71. Take a cooking class with Troy - There is this great place called the Chef's Academy very near where I work. I think I will check that out.
98. Try one new recipe a month for 6 months - Only 5 left!
Whew! That's 11 things that could be crossed off the list in 6 months. In addition, I'm constantly working on #16 (500 workouts), #34, #36, and #37 (all monetary goals). I just keep plugging away at them!
So, that's my plan, ladies and gentlemen. Wish me luck and if you've any suggestions on others that I could easily get crossed off my list, please let me know! I can use all the help I can get! Help with #34 (Pay off my credit cards) would be GREATLY appreciated!
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