Monday, April 30, 2007

Motorcycle Alphabet City Tour - Ride #2 (CUPS)

The day: Saturday, April 28th

The weather: COULDN'T have been nicer.

The plan: Get out on the motorcycles to ride. We would use the alphabet city tour as an excuse for a destination.

After prepping the bikes and grabbing a light breakfast, we headed out Saturday morning. Our intent was just to ride, but we used our on-going quest to complete the alphabet cities tour as our excuse. We were also adding the Abate Alphabet cities and points of interest to our itinerary. The weather couldn't have been nicer. At 9 AM, it was in the 60s already and the sun couldn't have been shining any brighter. Dressed in layers, anticipating MUCH warmer afternoon temperatures, we headed south on I-65. Our destination was a little south of North Vernon in Commiskey, IN. We arrived at Steam Cliff Farms around noonish and took our time enjoying the plants, wine-tasting and a bit of lunch. (You can read more about this great little spot in another post to follow.)

We lazed around for several hours and finally, with the sun high in the sky and several stops left to make on our journey, tore ourselves away from sunning ourselves.

Usually, before these outtings, I scout out a route that will nab us some great alphabetical finds, but this time I left all the planning to Troy. We took out the big map book of Indiana and found a way that wound us through some two-lane highways with the farm near Seymour as our destination. This route took us first through Paris Crossing, which I swear had only a church, a liquor store and a run-down playground. Then we found ourselves and Uniontown and with a little roadside manuevering, we managed to snap our pictures without being hit by any of the MANY trucks passing by. This is a part of Indiana where I think it's required by law to own a truck. ....and a gun rack.

Just before reaching our destination of the farm, it was old-home week for Troy as we snapped a picture in front of his high school in Seymour and then in front of the grade school he attended in Cortland.

After a brief visit with his parents and youngest sister at the farm, we headed back to the city and got in just before sunset when all of the crazy Saturday night drivers hit the roads.

If that wasn't a day that God had made, I don't know what is. In a word.....GLORIOUS!

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