Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I have found the anti-christ.......

and her name is Betty Crocker!

I've told you a bit about my relatively new habit of couponing.  I don't do it nearly as well as people who have kids and families may, but I've been pretty proud of my savings over the last few months.  A few weeks ago CVS has a discount on the Betty Crocker Warm Delights.  They are on sale for just 88 cents and I had 2 coupons for 75 cents off on 1.  That means this new desserty item from Betty Crocker for just 13 cents!

.............THAT was the good news.

....The bad new is.....these are seriously good!  And CRAZY easy!  2 tablespoons of water and a few minutes in the microwave and you have creamy, chocolatey, fudgy goodness.  If one is an emotional eater and lives alone, this is DANGEROUS!

Not that I know anyone like that........

Just sayin'......


Jenny C said...

OH.MY.GOD! I love those things! they are totally evil!

heather@actingbalanced.com said...

yep- definitely one of the downsides of couponning - finding new addiction - glad that couponning is working out for you though - it is so addictive :)

stopping by from SITS to say hi!

joanyspot said...

Don't you just love/hate finding a new tasty food item?


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