Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Lent: Project #2

Project #2 on my Lenten Sewing To Do List: A black and red fleece "no sew" throw.

Ok, officially this particular project is not a sewing project, but since it is fabric-related and was taking up space in my craft room, it counts for my purposes. Hey. It's my list, right?

Although I'd heard they weren't difficult, I'd never actually tackled one of these fleece blankets that you tie. Difficult? No Time consuming? A bit. I picked up this blanket on clearance at Joann's a few months back for a little less than $16.00. I chose to "weave" the edges together rather than tie it and I like the way it turned out. I simply pinned the edges together all the way around so that all of the edges would match, snipped a fringe that was about 4 inches deep and about 1 inch wide, snipped a slit in the middle of each fringe and then alternated weaving the black fleece part and the patterned fleece parts. It ended up making what sort of looks like a braided edge.

 For my next feat of creativity, I will do another no-sew fleece blanket. This time it will be pink and brown for my bedroom and I think I'll do the traditional tying of the edges.  Stay tuned!

To see the whole list of Lent projects, go here.

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