Friday, September 19, 2008 many things to blog. So little time.

I've recently been MIA from my blogging duties, but I haven't let the time pass me by without marking some things off of my list. In order to whet your appetite, here's a list of items that I will hopefully be blogging about and posting pictures of in the next few days: (In no particular order)

2008 Indiana State Fair

The Aerostich Very Boring Rally II

Spa day with my mom

My birthday and casino night birthday party

Completion of 6 months without soda

The Inaugural running of the Indianapolis MotoGP

In addition, this weekend Troy and I are gonna take a motorcycle ride to an orchard where we will pick apples and then I will go home and make an apple cobbler. Yet another item to cross off!

So, stay tuned and I hope to not disappoint.

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