Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Books #20 and #21

20. "The Dogs of Babel: A Novel" by Carolyn Parkhurst - 03/20/2009

21. "Such a Pretty Fat: One Narcissist's Quest To Discover if Her Life Makes Her Ass LookBig, Or Why Pie is Not The Answer" by Jen Lancaster - 03/24/2009


Anonymous said...

What did you think of "Such a Pretty Fat"? I like Jen Lancaster's stuff, but I thought this one was OK--a bit gimmicky, and a bit of throwing scenes in from her blog that seemed to be more space-fillers instead of helping to move the plot along.

Even though I didn't think it was her best, I still liked it enough to keep reading her.

Heather said...

"Such a Pretty Fat" was the first of Jen Lancaster's stuff that I've read, so I guess I didn't have anything to compare it to. I didn't realize she had a blog.

I liked it well enough to get a few more of hers from the library, but maybe that's partly because I got through it so quickly and I have 29 more books left to read!


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