Friday, April 1, 2011

The Ultimate Blog Party

It's been a while since I shared any of my adventures in crossing things off of my list and that is simply a shame!  I've also been a bit remiss in blogging the last couple of months AND I keep promising to update you on several things about projects, my thoughts and feelings on a variety of subjects and ALL of the things that have been going on personally for me.

Well!  That's enough procrastinating for me!  As they say, if you want shade, when is the best time to plant a tree?  40 years ago!  When is the second best time?  TODAY!  So, I'm gonna give it a shot to blog every day this month (#4 on the list!) and share some of what's been going on with me this month!  There are several projects that I'm just DYING to show you!

So let's get this party started...literally!  The ladies over at 5 Minutes for Mom are throwing the Ultimate Blog Party (2011 edition!) and you're all invited!

I may not be a mom, but I'm really looking forward to visiting some new blogs and I can't wait to hear from you all.  You know I LOVE me some comments!  So head on over there and see what they've got going on!  And if you're visiting here for the first time, welcome!  I'm so happy to meet you.



Apparently I have not done my little post here quite right.

I never introduced myself!  I can be so rude like that.  Please forgive.

My name is Heather and I have been blogging on since 2007.  My blog started as a way to document all of my wonderful adventures completing my first 101 in 1001 list.  For those of you who haven't heard of it, it's basically a bucket list with a deadline.  You make a list of 101 things that you want to do and you try to get them done in 1001 days.  That's about 2 years and 9 months for those of you who don't want to do the math!  That list ended in July of 2009 and now I'm on list #2!

I don't think the bags under my eyes are really that bad.  Hopefully I just needed some sleep!

I'm in my 30s, single, no kids and living the dream!  Well, maybe not, but I do try to get the most out of each day of my life because there have been too many times in my life that I didn't do something and then later thought, "What if?"  So I try to be honest and open with people and I make sure that the people around me know that I love them because everybody needs to know somebody cares.

I write rant about life in general and more specifically motorcycling (been riding my own since 2005!), my family and friends (names are changed to protect the innocent and not-so-innocent!), the cutest dog in the world (Sasha) and things that make me go "hmmm".

I hope you enjoy what you read because most of the time I love writing about it.  If you do, make sure you Follow me and if you leave a comment, I'll be over to your page lickety-split!


GalleryJuana said...

Stopping by from UBP 2011. First year for me.

I'm Juana. It's nice to meet you.

I enjoyed your metaphor for life about planting a tree for shade.

twinkietotmom said...

Thanks for visiting & leaving some comment love on my blog! Hope you have a blast during this year UBP 2011!

joanyspot said...

You know I've always loved reading your blog - You are such a gifted writer and I'm glad to see that you have planted your tree...

Dimitra said...

Hello, I'm stopping by from UBP 2011. It's nice to meet you! Do write everyday to keep us reading:)

Have a nice weekend!
Dimitra from

Terri said...

Stopping by from UBP11 and wanted to say hi. I'm Terri. What a great idea you have. I am also a lister. I love to cross things off. Looking forward to hearing more about your adventures.

Karla Cook @ Roads to Everywhere said...

Hi, Heather! It's so nice to meet you! Thank you for stopping by my blog. I hope you'll come again soon.

I thought the cutest dog in the world lives at my house... but I'm willing to concede there might just possibly be 2 "cutest dogs in the world"! ;-)


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