Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Goodbye, my friend

It is with a very heavy heart that I type this today. Alas, my very good friend and companion, Sisko, has gone away. Although he wasn't really my dog, but Troy's instead, his passing will weigh on my spirit for a very long time. Over the past 3 1/2 years, I have come to love him as my own.

His excited greeting at the window before I even entered the door was always a delightful way to to be welcomed. His tail would wag and he would often bark a reprimand that it had taken me too long.

Although his vocabulary of understanding was small: outside, walk, ball, tug, farm, ride in the car, Heather, Troy; he always responded with genuine enthusiasm.

Early mornings with him were the best for me. When Troy and I would return from the gym, I would snuggle into Troy's bed to catch a few more zzzs while he was getting ready for work. Sisko would always hop on the bed, wait for me to lay down and then he would find the most comfortable spot for the two of us to snuggle together. His fuzzy muzzle would search for my hand and bump me to make sure I knew he was ready for some good pets. I'm not sure which of us looked forward to our little ritual more.

His sweet disposition made all who encountered him instantly fall in love with him. Who could resist those big brown eyes, that fuzzy face, the way he would lean in and lift his paw so that you could properly pet his belly? I know I couldn't.

While there may be other dogs, they will be hard-pressed to live up to the gold standard that is the Sisko-puppalupagus, Senor fuzzy britches, Mr. Stinky-pants.

I love you, and I will miss you, my friend. May we meet again some day.

1 comment:

kieron said...

Sorry to hear that...


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