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Day #72 - Occupational
According to www.definitionofwellness.com, "The occupational dimension of wellness is involved in preparing for work in which one will gain personal satisfaction and find enrichment in one's life through work. Occupational development is related to one's attitude about one's work.' Traveling a path toward your occupational wellness, you'll contribute your unique gifts, skills and talents to work that is personally meaningful and rewarding. You'll convey your values through your involvement in both paid and unpaid volunteer activities that are gratifying for you. You'll know when you're on the correct path for career wellness, when your work and hobbies become exciting."
Continuing this week's discussion of finding new ways to incorporate exercise into my daily life in new ways...
I have the great fortune of working in downtown Indianapolis. When I first moved here after college, I worked at two different jobs which were both on the north side of town just outside of the 465 loop. The culture around these places were simply cubicle people who went from their house to their car and their car to their office only to repeat the cycle in reverse at the end of the work day. If we went out to lunch, we had to get into our cars. If we wanted to sit outside and enjoy a day, our options were to either find a restaurant with outdoor seating or pop a squat on the one picnic table that was outside of the building next to a retaining pond and near a VERY busy and loud road. It wasn't an atmosphere that had much "life" to it.
For several years after I had left my first job, a former colleague of mine would call and tell me about a position in her office and rave about how fantastic it was to work downtown in the heart of the city. She told me about all of the great activities that take place on Monument Circle during the summer and how much fun it all was. I waived her off saying I wasn't interested and that I didn't want to deal with the horrible traffic of DOWNTOWN. (I was young and unaware that the traffic where I was was WAAAY worse than that of downtown.)
Finally, after pleading with me continually for several years, she won me over. (Thanks, Stacey!) Once I got over the initial shock at having to find my way around the maze of one way streets and paying to park, I grew to love it. There is an energy in downtown. There really always is something going on on the circle. When all of the motorcycles come in for Moto GP, I get to see them and meet some of the riders. Every August, the church on the circle holds its annual Strawberry Festival. YUMMO!
But the best part of working downtown is something I never even take advantage of! During the warmer months, throngs of people escape from their cubicle farms and venture down to the circle to eat lunch on the steps of the monument. Some people visit with friends, some read books and magazines, some simply soak up the warm rays of the sun. What do I do? I eat a frozen meal at my desk. EVERY. DAY. Seriously! What's wrong with me?
Maybe the best way for me to integrate exercise into my Occupational dimension of wellness has only to do with nothing more simple than walking down to the circle and enjoying my lunch with a good book. I could maybe even take a few laps around the circle to get a few more steps in during the day. It may not be the strenuous exercise of a jog or a swim, but it has to be FAR better than sitting on my rump at my desk missing out on all of that glorious Vitamin D. Perhaps I'll even come back to work rejuvinated and reenergized. It's worth a try anyway!
you're welcome! Now I work on the West side, and while is very convenient to where I live, I would prefer to be downtown. I miss City Market and the outdoor farmer's market, and Bazbeaux Pizza and LePeep's. Free concerts at Hilbert Circle Theatre in the summer and the lights on the Monument at Christmas. And free ice cream on the circle (tomorrow!).
And I miss Heather. :)
p.s. the strawberry festival is in June. June 10th this year.
Stacey, Thanks for the heads up on the ice cream tomorrow! And strawberry festival in June. I would hate to miss that!
Maybe we could make a date and you could come down to enjoy some of the life of downtown. It's sweet to be missed.
I miss seeing you too. Just yesterday I was talking to someone here about our obsession with "Friends" and "The contest". "That's MISS Chanandler Bong!"
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