Day #79 - Occupational
According to, "The occupational dimension of wellness is involved in preparing for work in which one will gain personal satisfaction and find enrichment in one's life through work. Occupational development is related to one's attitude about one's work.' Traveling a path toward your occupational wellness, you'll contribute your unique gifts, skills and talents to work that is personally meaningful and rewarding. You'll convey your values through your involvement in both paid and unpaid volunteer activities that are gratifying for you. You'll know when you're on the correct path for career wellness, when your work and hobbies become exciting."
The Indianapolis Race for the Cure on Saturday, April 17th, 2010 was quite an event with THOUSANDS of participants and a whole LOTTA pink! I do love me some pink!
There were quite a few corporate sponsors of the event (thank you Kroger for all the great grub in our snack back at the end of the race!). Among them was Ford. Every year they are an amazing sponsor and give out some fabulous scarves at their Warriors in Pink tent. The line was HAUUUGELY long, so I skipped the scarf this year. To make a donation or check out my other photos from the Indianapolis Komen Race for the Cure, go here.
Seriously! Who wouldn't love a pink pin-striped Mustang?
Er, anyone who didn't love their pink pin-striped Mustang could just give it to me!
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and say hello on my special SITS day.
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