Tuesday, April 29, 2008
When is enough enough?
Thursday, April 24, 2008
200 Workouts complete!
So far, in 200 workouts, I have burned approximately 71,053 calories for an average of just over 355 calories per workout.
The total amount of time I've spent working out was 7,336 minutes for an average workout of just under 37 minutes.
Here's a breakdown of what kinds of workouts I've been doing:
Treadmill - 28.50% (57)
Step Class - 25.50% (51)
Stationary Bike - 14.00% (28)
Elliptical Machine - 12.00% (24)
Weightlifting - 10.00% (20)
Outside (walking) - 9.00% (18)
Taebo - 1.00% (2)
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
The new #43 is.....
This selection was requested by Troy. ;-)
#101. Make another 101 List
#65. Enter a Texas Hold'em Poker Tournament
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
One Month Soda-Free
Monday, April 14, 2008
#41. Visit the Indianapolis Museum of Art
Since the weather outside was less than hospitable for our desired activity of motorcycling to an annual event in Illinois, our decision to visit the museum was made after a leisurely morning full of a busy schedule of loafing around. Consequently, we didn't make it to the museum until about 2:20 and they were closing at 5. With as many great items to view as the museum has, we will definitely budget our time a bit better next time.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
The Last Lecture
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
On April 4, 1948, my dad was born in Bemidji, Minnesota. On April 5, 2008, we threw him a surprise party.
A little explanation: My dad is a quiet, shy man. He's painfully quiet and shy. At least it's painful for me. I think he's great and a lot more capable than I think he ever gives himself credit for. I sometimes just wish he would realize that.
I know that my brother and I (at least I, for sure) don't tell him nearly how often how much he means to us. So the celebration of his 60th birthday was the perfect excuse for us to let him know....in a big way!
I gathered some very old pictures from one of his sisters, (he has 3 currently living) which were simply gems! Elaine had inherited the family photos when their parents passed away a few years ago, so she had treasures from VERY early in his childhood. Among my favorites are one where he and his older sister and brother are lying in the grass. It seems so idyllic. Another is a picture of him from when he was in Vietnam. It's not a time in his life that he ever speaks of, so to have a photo of him during that time feels like a peek into a secret room that has been forbidden to me.
I took these photos, as well as some from my mom's albums from when they were first dating and when my brother and I were small, and (with the help of www.snapfish.com) made them into a keepsake album as a gift to him. Snapfish also has a great option where you can choose up to 30 photos and combine them into a poster. I made two of these to put up at the party as conversation starters.
We tried to invite people from all parts of his life. There were his family members, members of my mom's side, people he worked with as well as friends that they occasionally go to dinner and spend time with now. It seems like a simple thing to invite your loved one's family and friends, but, as I said, he's a quiet man and it was actually a much more difficult task than I would have imagined.
Lots of people came and enjoyed the afternoon celebrating Dad's life and letting him know how much he means to them. That was the goal. No gifts. Just pictures and memories and an appreciation for all that the birthday boy means to us.
Oh! And don't forget the cake!
Monday, April 7, 2008
The best new I've had in a long time!
I need your votes!
Vote Early! Vote often. I need your support.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Vote early! Vote often!
Recipe #2 of 6
Season the flour with salt and pepper. Lightly coat the chicken breast with seasoned flour.
Heat the olive oil in a frying pan on medium heat. Place the chicken breast in the pan and brown on both sides then remove from the pan and set aside.
Add the dry Marsala wine to the pan and gently bring to boil removing the alcohol. Add the chicken stock, lemon juice and stir in the mushrooms. Lower the heat and cook for about 10 minutes reducing the marsala sauce. Return the browned chicken breast to the pan spooning over the sauce. Cook for about 5 minutes on each side until cooked.
Serve with mashed potatoes or pasta. Garnish with parsley.