Since Troy came on the scene, my vacation days have been scheduled to make the most of motorcycle riding season and spending those vacation days on ACTUAL vacations. Go figure! While that has been wonderful, I've really been feeling like I'm neglecting my house. A LOT! For instance, I started laying tile in the basement right before I met him and that project STILL isn't finished. We'll just say that was over 6 years ago. YIKES!
So, I took the day off to make some headway at home. My craft (aka JUNK room) is bulging at the seams and sending me to a not very nice place mentally, so it's time to get rid of some
This morning I started the sorting and dejunking and so far I've rounded up 3 BIG boxes and 1 HUGE bag of stuff to donate and I feel MUCH better already, so things are definitely looking up! The problems I'm having now are that I (1) have waaaaay to many interests and hobbies and (2) I am trying to fit too much furniture in what is essentially a fairly small bedroom. So I need to find new homes for a bookshelf, a chair and my treadmill (maybe the treadmill should go somewhere I MIGHT actually use it, huh?). I thought I was going to move the bookshelf to my back room, but I got rid of enough books that I don't need to use it back there. Whew!
In the process of dejunking and reorganizing, I'm taking the time to label everything. I just have to say how much I LOVE my labeler. It's fantastic. For those things where I want the labels to be a bit more decorative, I'm using my Cricut and my sewing machine. Once I've finished them, I'll show you the old (1950s and older) suitcases I'm in the process of redoing to hold all of my extra photos. I take a LOT of photos!
Stay tuned!
OK - This is getting weirder...I too LOVE my labeler, scour thrift stores and refer to my life before Doug as "BD".
Do you hear that? I think it's the theme from "The Twilight Zone". VERY WEIRD!
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