So, today is Ash Wednesday, which is the beginning of Lent and while I'm not Catholic, I do try to give up one thing and add another as a way of daily "worshipping". In the past I've given up chocolate (ugh!) and soda (eh), but this year I decided to make a real sacrifice! I've given games! GASP!
For anyone who knows the Facebook addiction that is "Frontierville", you'll understand my pain.
I've read that people who play video games often feel like they are not competent or in control and in the world of the video game, you are the master! Whether you're baking cakes, serving customers, or planting crops, you're in charge. You can plant 100 crops and earn a badge! The more badges you get, the "better" you are, right?
But the problem with these games is that they aren't real life. They can take us away from fulfilling goals, spending quality time with friends and family or even cleaning out that spare bedroom you've been meaning to get to. So over the next 40 days, I look forward to checking some of those things off of my To Do list that have been lingering on there for far too long.
I also look forward to getting back in touch with all of you. I've been uninspired to "put it all out there" on here over the last couple of months, but it's time to get back on the horse. After all, you all are wonderful and there's nothing so cleansing to ones soul as getting things off of your chest and onto "paper". In addition, perhaps I'll even get to some of the posts that I've been stewing about far too long.
Until tomorrow, go with God.
I've heard the same study and therefore are in no hurry to introduce our boys to video games.
Blessings on your journey adead, I hope it's a fruitful time for you.
Yay Heather! Glad to see you're back! Love reading your blog!
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