Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Motorcycle Bench Redesign

As promised yesterday, I have returned with pictures of the bench that I redid. I hate to break my arm patting myself on the back, but I must say I really like the way it turned out and it's about 1000 times better than it previously looked. It was a bench that was previously at my parents house (about 100 years ago when I moved into my own place). I tried a long time ago to redo it and, as you can see in the befores, it did NOT turn out well.

I house most of my motorcycle gear in this little bench, which works out perfectly. (I just better not buy any more gear!) It sits in my bedroom, which is pretty much the only room in the house that I haven't completely redone. I wanted it to fit into the decor in there, which is very ....tan... blah. (I swear I will do something about that at some point, but for now it is tan.) I also wanted to make sure that if I was going to move the bench into another room, it would work anywhere else in my house as well, so I went with the tan paint color.

I love spray paint. I discovered it about 6 months when I used some rustoleum on my front and back screen doors. Hmm... $3 for a can of paint or $300 for a new door. THAT was an easy decision.

I was going to use some fabric I already had around the house, but I spotted this really great brownish-red vinyl on the clearance table at Jo-Ann's and I knew it would be perfect! A few decorative upholstery tacks on the front and viola! A new bench. I really like it....a LOT!

I would like to thank Sarah over at Thrifty Decor Chick for inspiring me to start fixing some of my decorating issues around my house!


Heather said...

Thanks! Stay tuned for even more in the coming weeks! I've really been on a tear!

Twincerely,Olga said...

Hi Stopping by from SITS.Great blog


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