Saturday, May 1, 2010

A change of plans.....Things are "looking up".

We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming to bring you something different.  For the month of May, I'm going to be participating in the NaBloPoMo.  NaBloPoMo stands for National Blog Posting Month.  Since it's on my list to blog every day for a month, I'm gonna give it a go.  This month's theme is "Look Up".  For the most part I'm going to try to stick with that as the theme of my entries, but I may go off topic too.  Who knows?  It may be as much of a suprise to me as it is to you.

So, today I got to check something off of the list!  As part of the Keep Indianapolis Beautiful initiative, I helped to plant trees along Washington Street.  It is the main east/west road through Indianapolis and most of it is sadly lacking in trees.  A couple of the excellent benefits of these trees will be a decrease in speed along the route and the addition of shade, which is crucial in many of the areas.

The day started out very overcast and there was definitely the threat of rain.  Luckily we didn't get dumped on and all 50 trees were successfully planted.

I helped with 2 and now every time I drive past them I think, "Hey!  I planted those!"  There's a wonderful feeling in knowing that you have done a good deed for the environment and the neighborhood.

I'm really glad I put this one on my list because I thought I knew what was required to plant a tree, but it was much more detailed than simply digging a whole and plopping the tree down into it.  Now that I know what it takes, I may plant a few in my yard to replace the VERY old one in front of my house that has been marked with the "orange dot of death" by the city.  They are supposed to come and remove it because it's in failing health and poses a danger to some of the houses in the case of a storm.

The impending removal of that tree makes me sad.  I live in an old neighborhood and I like that the streets are lined with trees much older than I am.  Without them, I might as well live in the suburbs, right?

1 comment:

joanyspot said...

Yay Heather! I look forward to reading your next 30 posts!


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